Swatantra Tech's digital income support for farmers
Partners with MAHAFPC to launch ‘Swatantra Surakhsha’ a unique, innovative, affordable and 100% digital income support scheme for the member farmers of 700 FPCs
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Mumbai: Swatantra Technologies in collaboration with Maharashtra Farmers Producer Company (MAHAFPC) launched 'Swatantra Surakhsha' a unique, innovative, affordable, 100 percent digital Income Support Scheme for the member farmers of 700 FPCs spread across 22 districts of the State in presence of Narendra Singh Tomar, Union Minister for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare during 8th Annual General Meeting of MAHAFPC held recently at Pune.
Talking to Bizz Buzz, Shiva Khumar Subramanian, MD of Swatantra Technologies says, "It is an income supportive scheme for the farmers. All member farmers of all FPOs/FPCs in Maharashtra are eligible for enrollment through their respective FPOs over dedicated mobile app developed by the company in an easy and hassle-free manner by paying a contribution of Rs 1,250 by December 31. We are planning to cover 20,000 such farmers under the scheme by December-end."
Tomar lauded the collaborative effort between MAHAFPC and SwatantraTechnologies that provides income support to the farmers faced with fracture injuries, or hospitalisation due to any ailment or critical illnesses in a very hassle-free and rapid process.
Yogesh Thorat, the MD of MAHAFPC, the signatory of the MoU between MAHAFPC and Swatantra Technologies informed the minister and FPOs present in the AGM that the Prime Minister is working towards improving the famers' lives through various income support schemes and Swatantra Surakhsha is going to be another step towards that.
The enrolled farmers will be eligible for income support benefits incase they face with accidental fractures, or hospitalisation due to any ailment or any critical illnesses. The benefit assessment will be in-house, by the concerned FPO and peerreviewed by another enrolled member ensuring ownership and accountability.
Any surplus remaining at the end of the scheme will be ploughed back into the system ensuring community welfare. The whole process adds a new dimension to the principle of inclusivity ensuring financial stability through mutualisation.